An exploration of the sophistication and richness of the way we modify and elaborate on standard English to enrich our interpersonal communication.
Stage 1:
Transcribe an informal spoken conversation between yourself and someone you know.
These are particular to spoken communication.
Stage 2:
Transcribe an instant messaging conversation and annotate it for all instances that deviate from standard English.
These are particular to online and text communication.
Emoticons – graphic symbols representing emotions
Acronyms – use of words’ initial letters to form a single new word e.g. AIDS
Initialisms – initial letters spelled out e.g. OMG
Contractions – omitted letters, e.g. txt
Logograms – single letters or numbers replacing sections of words e.g. 2day for today or u for you
Ellipsis – omitted parts of a sentence e.g. coming?
Unusual spelling – e.g. wiv for with (often reflecting an accent)
Merged words – e.g. seeya
Repeated letters for emphasis e.g. helllllo
Upper case or lower case to donate tone e.g. NO WAY
Punctuation omitted or added for effect e.g. dont be late!!!
Speech-like interjections e.g. ha ha
Stage 3: Planning Phase
Design an argument using some of the following cues that supports the premise:
“That the speech and text patterns created by young people are clever and sophisticated”